Many laws and policies have been put into place over the years to ensure a safe working environment for men and women. Despite advancements and changes in the work place, sexual harassment still occurs. California employment lawyers strive to give guidance to anyone that suspects they have suffered from inappropriate behavior and retaliation from reporting it in the work place. Recently, a former Stanford professor made her experience with sexual harassment public.
A woman who was hired on a tenure track at Stanford University claimed that the man that hired her gave her unwanted attention. She alleges that at one point he kissed her on the lips and met her at her gym despite having told him she was not interested. Although the accused former Dean denied the allegations, the University investigation did find it was a case of sexual harassment.
The woman alleges further that she suffered retaliation in response to her reporting his inappropriate behavior. After the investigation, she was given tenure, but her husband’s contract with Stanford was not continued past its original temporary time period. She feels that retaliation was taken against her through her husband’s contract. The University disagrees, stating her husband was always in a temporary position. The couple now works for another University.
The woman states suffering harassment from a co-worker caused her unneeded and unwanted depression. Filing a claim can help secure a safe working environment for all employees. California employment law attorneys are able to give guidance and support to employees that feel they may need to file a sexual harassment claim with regard to their work place. They can also give advice on legal options if a job was potentially lost after a report was made.
Source:, “Sexual Harassment Claims Cost Ex-Stanford Professor Her Job“, Gabriella Paiella, Dec. 19, 2016