Legal Protection For Workers

What can you do if you witness sexual harassment at work?

On Behalf of | Aug 22, 2024 | Sexual Harassment

Witnessing sexual harassment at work can be a challenging and uncomfortable experience. However, you have the option to take the right steps in supporting your affected coworker and maintaining a safe work environment. 

If you witness instances of harassment, there are several actions you can take to address the situation effectively.

Choosing to intervene

You should only intervene if it is safe to do so. In some cases, stepping in can stop the harassment immediately. This may involve calling out the inappropriate behavior or creating a distraction to defuse the situation. However, do not put yourself in harm’s way. If intervening directly feels unsafe, consider other options.

Offering support

There are correct ways to support someone affected by sexual harassment. Let them know that you witnessed the incident and are willing to help. This support can involve listening to them and reassuring them that they are not alone. Sometimes, just knowing that someone else saw what happened can be a significant source of comfort for someone dealing with a harassment claim

Reporting the harassment

Encourage your affected coworker to report the harassment. While it is ultimately their decision, remind them that reporting the incident can prevent further harm. You can offer to accompany them when they report the behavior to human resources or a supervisor. If the other person feels unsure about reporting, sharing your perspective as a witness may help them decide.

Documenting the incident

Write down details about what you saw, including the date, time, location and people involved. This documentation can serve as valuable evidence if the situation escalates or if there is an investigation of EEOC law violations. Make sure to keep this information secure and only share it with those who need to know. 

Taking these steps can make a significant difference in addressing and preventing sexual harassment at work. By acting with courage and empathy, witnesses can contribute to a safer and more respectful workplace for everyone.



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