The Pregnancy Discrimination Act (PDA) protects pregnant women from unfair treatment in the workplace. While it identifies pregnancy and childbirth as covered conditions, it also mentions related medical conditions. This term is vague, and many women might not know...
Legal Protection For Workers
Is pregnancy making your work uniform unwearable?
For many people in professional work settings, uniforms still make up a big part of workplace culture. And for women, these uniforms can sometimes seem tighter fitting and slimmer than most. This potentially creates a problem when a pregnant worker is no longer able...
Do pregnant workers get extra breaks?
Under state law, California workers have several protections if they attend a job while pregnant. The law regards pregnancy as a disability or medical condition, depending. Thus, employers must make accommodations for pregnant workers. This includes the possibility of...
Accommodations for expecting mothers in the workplace
California law protects the rights of expectant mothers in the workplace. Employers must provide any reasonable accommodation necessary for pregnant women to perform their job duties. These accommodations are usually temporary and can include a variety of...
What should you know about pregnancy discrimination?
Workplaces must treat their staff in a respectful and dignified manner at all times. Along with avoiding other types of discriminatory behavior, workplaces must also avoid pregnancy discrimination. According to employment laws, discriminating against pregnant women is...
What is the “ice out” tactic?
Pregnant workers make up a portion of the workforce that faces an unfair and continued rate of discrimination to this day. This happens in spite of many attempts at a legal level to put a stop to this behavior. "Ice out" tactics continue to be a prominent tool used...
How can technology aid in discrimination against pregnant women?
Discrimination against protected parties occurs in almost every work level across the nation. Despite reforms and more attention-getting drawn to the topic, it continues to make the lives of workers everywhere more miserable. This includes the lives of pregnant...
Everything you need to know about breastfeeding on the job
There is nothing more exciting than having a baby. Becoming a mother or having more children does not mean you have to stop working. Workplace accommodations are necessary for lactating moms-to-be. Be aware of the law as it pertains to your situation. Laws about...
On the clock and pregnant: can employees take extra breaks?
California’s state law offers several key protections to pregnant workers. Under the law, your pregnancy is protected as a “disability” or a “medical condition”. This means employers may need to make exceptions to some general policies in order to accommodate pregnant...
Can your employer dictate when you take medical leave?
If you are expecting to welcome a new baby into your family, you may worry about how your pregnancy and the months after it may affect your career. Fortunately, federal and state laws likely protect your job during your pregnancy-related medical leave. As you may...