Under California law, employees have the right to request a modified work schedule as a reasonable accommodation for their injury or disability. This can help them continue working while they recover from their condition or despite a permanent disability. A modified...
Legal Protection For Workers
Signs of disability discrimination at work
Diversity and inclusion are important for a thriving work environment. Despite these ideals, disability discrimination can continue. Understanding the signs of disability discrimination creates a workplace that values every employee. Unequal treatment One sign of...
4 reasons to blow the whistle on your employer
In the workplace, facing ethical dilemmas is not uncommon. Sometimes, you may come across situations where your employer's actions seem questionable or even illegal. When confronted with such circumstances, blowing the whistle, or reporting misconduct, can be a...
Almost a quarter of American whistleblowers face retaliation
Blowing the whistle is a courageous step toward justice and accountability. However, a disturbing reality often follows such acts of bravery. Many whistleblowers face retaliation for exposing misconduct. The repercussions of speaking out against corruption, fraud or...
Impact of remote work on discrimination
Remote work has become a trend. This transition has provided positive changes, but it has also impacted workplace discrimination. The virtual realm reshaped how employees connect, collaborate and communicate. However, it presents challenges that can increase existing...
Signs of employment discrimination
Employment discrimination is a concern in today’s job market in spite of workplace diversity and inclusion policies. Discrimination can take several forms, and recognizing the signs helps prevent it. Unequal treatment, stereotyping and accommodation In 2022, 73, 485...
When might a person need whistleblower protection?
The U.S. Department of Labor reported over 2,000 safety and health-related whistleblower reports in 2022. Whistleblower protections are a way to safeguard your employment rights when you make a report to authorities about your employer. Essentially, having this...
3 valuable tips for today’s whisteblowers
When your California employer does something unethical or unlawful and you become aware of these wrongdoings, you may decide to “blow the whistle” and notify authorities about them. Before doing so, there are certain steps you might want to take to help protect...
The emotional impact of pregnancy discrimination
Whether you are currently pregnant, you recently gave birth or you want to have a child in the near future, pregnancy discrimination could affect you in different ways. According to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, pregnancy discrimination can involve...
What are the signs of a toxic work environment?
Going to a job should not prove any more stressful than necessary. However, if you find yourself experiencing physiological responses, the office may prove toxic. A toxic work environment is more than feeling pressure or stress. It is a constant state of unrest, often...