Legal Protection For Workers

Employer Violations Of Family And Medical Leave Rights (FMLA)

Under California and federal laws, you are entitled to take unpaid leave for health reasons or to care for family members. It is illegal for employers to terminate you, refuse leave or otherwise interfere with exercising your rights.

  • Were you fired after medical leave, family care leave or maternity leave?
  • Were you reprimanded, reassigned or otherwise punished for taking FMLA leave?

Employers cannot discriminate, harass or retaliate on the basis of medical or family leave. If you suffered adverse employment action while on leave or upon returning to the workplace, Bryant Whitten, LLP, will stand up for you.

We handle employment discrimination in the Central Valley, the Bay Area and surrounding Northern California. If you believe your employment leave rights were violated, contact us today for a confidential and free consultation.

Fight Back Against Leave Discrimination

Our employment law attorneys will explain your rights under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), the California Family Rights Act (CFRA), the Pregnancy Discrimination Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). We have held major employers accountable.

Under the FMLA, you are entitled to take up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave (not necessarily all at once) to care for a child or spouse who is seriously ill or injured, to care for a newborn or newly adopted child, or to recuperate from a serious health condition.

Employers commonly question employees, make threats or deliberately mislead them about their rights regarding employment leave. We can explore your possible claims relating to common violations of medical leave, disability leave, pregnancy/maternity leave and family leave.

  • Did an employer try to override a doctor’s orders or medical opinion?
  • Did an employer press for personal information or proof beyond what was required?
  • Did an employer try to dictate when you could take leave?
  • Did an employer fire you, threaten to replace you or give your job away?
  • Were you demoted or docked or did you suffer other retaliatory action?
  • Were you harassed to the point that you had no choice but to resign?
  • Did an employer refuse to make reasonable accommodations for an urgent leave to care for a loved one?

We’ll Stop Further Harm And Fight For Fair Compensation

You may be hesitant to report family leave/medical leave violations for fear of termination or reprisal. Our skilled lawyers will make your employer pay for any intimidation or retaliation. We will support you through the initial reporting, investigation and resolution of your case.

Schedule a free initial review of your claim by sending us an email. We are committed to upholding the rights of employees.

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